Lab 12: Final Lab
This is it! This is your chance to use your creativity and really show off what you can create in your own game. More than just passing a test, in this class you actually get to do something, and create something real.
There are two options for the final lab. A “video game option” and a “text adventure option.”
Both options are divided into three parts. Each part should take about one week. The goals of this lab:
Get used to working on longer programs by breaking them into different functions, classes, and files.
Learn to search for code that does what you want, and adapt it into your program.
Learn to break down large programs into smaller, easier to solve parts.
Start creating a portfolio of work that you’ve done.
See that programming can be a fun, creative outlet.
Apply the concepts we learned, such as variables, expressions, if statements, loops, lists, arrays, and more.
This lab is worth 60 points. Each week, turn in what you have for the lab so you can “lock in” your score and get an idea of how you are progressing. When you get more done, resubmit the assignment.
You can wait until the end to turn in your work until the end of the semester, but that is a very risky plan.
Video Game Option
The video game option is the most popular option. Here are some videos of what students have done in prior years:
Using Images or Sounds from Other Sources
It is ok to use images and sounds from other sources if you cite the source.
Cite in the code comments what images and sounds you’ve used. So for every
image or sound loaded, put a #
tag in the line above with a citation
on where it came from. I’ll expect more than just a URL, give me a name
of the website as well.
For a professionally published game this would NOT be enough. You’d need to make sure you have license to use the work.
If you create your own image or sound, state that in the comments so I can be properly impressed.
Using Code from Other Sources
If you find code to use that doesn’t come from this website or from, cite it. Otherwise you’ll be plagiarizing, and flunked from the class.
Almost every semester I catch someone doing this. Please, just don’t.
Requirements for Part 1
Cite in the code comments what images and sounds you’ve used. So for every image or sound loaded, put a
tag in the line above with a citation on where it came from. I’ll expect more than just a URL, give me a name of the website as well.If you find code to use that doesn’t come from this website or from, cite it. Otherwise you’ll be plagiarizing, and flunked from the class.
Each of the three parts for the final lab raises the bar on what your game needs to be able to do.
Open up a screen.
Set up the items to be drawn on the screen. Figure out the images that you want to use.
Provide some sort of player movement or interaction via mouse, keyboard, or game controller. Get items on the screen to move, if applicable.
Have something that is at least kind-of playable.
If your program will involve things running into each other, start by using sprites. Do not start by using drawing commands, and expect to add in sprites later. It won’t work and you’ll need start over from scratch. This will be sad.
If you are coding a program like mine sweeper or connect four, do not use sprites. Since collision detection is not needed, there is no need to mess with sprites.
While you can start with and use any of the example game code from this website or, don’t just turn these in as Part 1. You’ll need to add a lot before it qualifies.
A very common mistake is to make a call to
. This will cause you to warp through walls. You want to specifically update lists that don’t include the player, likeself.enemy_list.update()
.Remember that any extra white-space around your image will throw off collision detection. Best to check and trim white space from images you use. has a lot of images and sounds you can use royalty-free. has many images and sounds as well.
Requirements for Part 2
For Final Lab Part 2, your game should be functional. A person should be able to sit down and play the game for a few minutes and have it feel like a real game. Here are some things you might want to add:
Be able to collide with objects.
Players can lose the game if something bad happens.
On-screen score.
Sound effects.
Movement of other characters in the screen.
The ability to click on mines or empty spots.
Requirements for Part 3
For the final part, add in the last polish for your game. Here are some things you might want to add:
Title and instruction screens
Multiple levels
Lots of Sounds
Multiple “lives”
More types of enemies
Heat seeking missiles
Hidden doors
A “sweep” action in a minesweeper game or the ability to place “flags”
Text Adventure Option
Not interested in a video game? Continue your work from the “Adventure!” game.
Requirements for Part 1
Start with code from Lab 6: Text Adventure. Create a more extensive set of rooms. Add the ability to beyond the four directions we did before. For example, be able to move up and down, or ne, nw, etc.
Add a list of items in your game.
Create a class called
.Add fields for the item’s room number, a long description, and a short name. The short name should only be one word long. This way the user can type
get key
and the computer will know what object he/she is referring to. The description will be what is printed out. LikeThere is a rusty key here.
Create a list of items, much like you created your list of rooms.
After your code to print the room description, loop through each item in your item list. If the item is in the user’s room, print the item’s description. (This is a variation on the linear search.)
Test, and make sure this works.
Requirements for Part 2
Change your command processing, so rather than just allowing the user to only type in directions, the user will now start having other options. For example, we want the user to also be able to type in commands such as get key, inventory or wave wand.
To do this, don’t ask the user What direction do you want to go? Instead ask the user something like What is your command?
Split the user input. We need a variable that is equal to the first command they type, such as get and a different variable equal to the second word, such as key.
Use the split method that’s built into Python strings. For example:
command_words = user_command.split(" ")
This will split what the user types into a list. Each item separated out based on spaces.Update your code that processes the user typing in directions, to check command_words[0] instead of whatever you had before.
Add a get command.
Add a check for a get command in your if/elif chain that is now just processing directions.
Search the item list until you find an object that matches what the user is trying pick up.
If the object isn’t found, or if the object isn’t in the current room, print an error.
If the object is found and it is in the current room, then set the object’s room number to -1.
Add a command for “inventory” that will print every object who’s room number is equal to -1.
Add the ability to drop an object.
Add the ability to use the objects. For example “use key” or “swing sword” or “feed bear.”
Requirements for Part 3
Expand the game some more. Try some of these ideas:
Create a file format that allows you to load the rooms and objects from a file rather than write code for it.
Have monsters with hit points.
Split the code up into multiple files for better organization.
Remove globals using a main function as shown at the end of the chapter about functions.
Have objects with limited use. Like a bow that only has so many arrows.
Have creatures with limited health, and weapons that cause random damage and have a random chance to hit.
Commit and push your code often. It is not unusual for something bad to happen to the code while you are working on this assignment. Anything you commit and push we can recover. Don’t work for more than a couple hours without doing this.
I give a lot of in-class lab time for this project. Use it. Don’t leave early.